Spirit of Dragonflies, LLC

Kripalu Mindfulness Outdoor Experience Guide & Life Coach – Get Outside. Go Within.

WPC – Curves


Find inspiration in the curves around you.

One never knows what they will discover when searching for photos to meet the topic for the week’s challenge.For this week’s challenge, Curves, I decided on nature photos. To find the perfect photos one must slow down, becoming mindful and discover nature once again through snapshots in time. As in life, nature is not straight and narrow, there are curves thrown in to make it more interesting. Whether viewing a clover covered in morning dew, branches decorating a pond, flowers, birds or trees nature provides a variety of beauty. I hope that you enjoy my selections.

Viewing the photos and thinking about curves, nature and creativity makes me think of children. There is a world of wonder in nature that many children are missing as they sit inside in front of the computer, cell phones, television or wander around the malls. This quote seemed fitting for where my mind went.

Stress reduction, greater physical health, a deeper sense of spirit, more creativity, a sense of play, even a safer life—these are the rewards that await a family when it invites more nature into children’s lives.

— Richard Louv

Last Child in the Woods


Many of our designs in furnishings, sign posts, and art are created through our interaction and awareness of nature. If our children are not introduced to nature how will they learn to the natural designs or learn to naturally reduce stress, or maintain their physical and spiritual health. How will they find joy and develop a sense of creativity as they mature into adulthood? Isn’t it our responsibility as adults to share in nature with our children and grandchildren, nieces, nephews and other children in our lives. If we walk in nature with children they open our eyes to the wonderment many of us have forgotten. In the woods, we become aware of our child within whether we are walking with a child or not.

When you are taking a walk in the city, town or village be aware of the designs you find around you and remember where those curves originated and how they have now found home in the manmade settings. Below you will find some manmade items with curves incorporated into their design.

The one statue located in San Diego which was designed from a photo taken in NYC after World War II ended. That was included because of the curve in her back and leg. Plus is was fun. I hope you have enjoyed my entries for this week’s challenge. Please share if you have any thoughts on any of the photos.

If you would live to view other photos or post your own photos for this week’s challenge click on the link below:


Light and Love!

Author: spiritofdragonflies

My purpose in life is always transforming and expanding. The focus is still to inspire others to reach their goals, dreams, higher selves, but now mainly to guide you back to a connection with nature, with living simply, finding joy in the everyday experiences. Are you ready to transform your life forever, to enhance your health, peace and joy in life? Allow me to guide you along the steps toward reaching your inspirational, joyful life. I am a lover of life, a certified Mindfulness Outdoor Experience Guide, Certified QSCA Life Coach, End-of-Life Doula certificate, Therapeutic Touch practitioner, amateur photographer, and aspiring writer taking steps to reach my own goals and loving every minute. Love and Light!

17 thoughts on “WPC – Curves

  1. Pingback: Curve (Young Man River) | What's (in) the picture?

  2. Lovely photos, Sandy. It’s almost embarrassing how similar some of my photos I was going to share are to yours. I think I’ll change some of the curves I was going to post. Haha! You know what they say about great minds thinking alike. I love the non nature ones too! Especially the dragon and the little archway. I didn’t realize that was a statue of the man and woman. They look real!
    Peace and Love

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Mary! Although some of your photos may be similar I am sure they have their differences as we each have a different eye view and nature is never the same. Wishing you a beautiful weekend:) I am looking forward to getting out there for a walk and a little meditation today. Love and Light!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. That sounds like a wonderful day! Yeah, I’m sure they are different in some way, but I have an almost identical one of droplets on the outer points of a rose petal. So funny. We see a lot of things alike, I think. No worries, I have plenty of curvy photos to choose from, if I can just get it together to post!
    Love and Light to you.


  4. I must say nature at its best, the gallery is wonderful reflection of our life.

    Indeed the saying by Confucius…”life is indeed simple we make it complicated by our thinking and acting”. Just look at the beauty and bounty of nature, by being with nature, walking in the nature and talking to self or walking with our children in the nature and talking with them about nature can open a new window to our inner world. As rightly pointed out today the children are all hooked to the Microsoft window and they have cut themselves off from the world of nature and are busy in the virtual world. Yes, beauty of life and living lies in the art of design and the heart of design comes from the core of nature, the science of designs are already there in every aspects of our nature, it is that we have stopped seeing and learning from the nature.

    Thanks so much for such a lovely post. It lightens up and makes us feel better with the glory of nature and the beautiful pictures on display.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for visiting and leaving this beautiful comment Nihar. I think there is a shift happening and many more people are beginning to open their eyes to the beauty of the world around them. Love and Light!

      Liked by 2 people

      • Indeed it is happening, though slow but there is direction it has taken, as we were almost trapped in the digital distraction that is hitting all around us and we are immersed in the technology. There is life beyond this world and in reality the real life is outside in the nature, we have distant ourselves from the beauty and bounty of nature that nurtures our senses, it curdles our emotions and our feelings gets the cushion it needs to lift our soul. The touch and feel of life is important, the experience being with the real people and being in the heart of nature matters…living in the moments and making every moment special and enjoying life as it is and with mindfulness is perhaps the art of living.
        Such a lovely post with spectrum of nature’s artistry, still playing in my mind clear and loud…
        Cheers to the beauty and bounty of NATURE!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Truly nice curves! Loved them 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. It’s all good but I love the set of natural shots.

    Liked by 1 person

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