Spirit of Dragonflies, LLC

Kripalu Mindfulness Outdoor Experience Guide & Life Coach – Get Outside. Go Within.

WPC – Order


This week, share your take on order, whether literal, figurative, or anything in between (and sure — showing it next to a healthy dose of messiness is fine, too). From library stacks to sock drawers and from ancient temples to modern train stations, let your inner disciplinarian take over.

Cleanliness and order are not matters of instinct; they are matters of education, and like most great things, you must cultivate a taste for them. ~ Benjamin Disraeli ~

Order can be found anywhere whether in store shelves, gardens, or homes. Chaos can be found in the same places. Chaos can also become orderly and some people live in organized chaos. This week I have chosen three different locations which order can be found.

While visiting my daughter in San Diego we stopped to browse in a salvage store. Everything was neatly organized and orderly for a customers easy view. It was fun checking out all of the items from earlier days, reminders of some deceased relatives homes that I visited as a child.

And, where is there more order than in a garden. If the garden is not planted by a certain time of year depending on your location you will not be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Pumpkin Hollow Retreat Center in Craryville, NY has a very large garden and thankfully many volunteers. It was interesting to witness the order in which each row was set up and timing of planting each of the vegetables. When I’ve had gardens in the past, we started out with a plan and some kind of order in the planting however none of my past gardens were as beautiful or well organized as this one. They rotate location of crops yearly and do all possible to keep weeds at a minimum. This is one beautiful organic garden. Can’t wait to see the fruits of our labor.

There is a limit to the amount of misery and disarray you will put up with, for love, just as there is a limit to the amount of mess you can stand around a house. You can’t know the limit beforehand, but you will know when you’ve reached it. I believe this. ~ Alice Munro ~

Alice Munro said it perfectly, sometimes we don’t know until we are in the midst of it. I never realized how much I love order in my home until the time when it wasn’t present. I have read books on how to maintain home as sanctuary in my quest to find peace. Removing anything that doesn’t bring peace, love, and security is an ongoing process.

When there are less material items and only those that speak to my heart my home feels like a sanctuary, a place to feel peaceful and secure. A place to laugh easily, to be silly, meditate and enjoy a cup of tea in the sun shining through the window.

For myself, I love making the bed first thing when I rise, washing morning dishes and cleaning the counter prior to leaving the house. When returning home it is a gift to myself and anyone who visits to walk into a kitchen with clean counters.

What are your feelings on order? Do you function in a cluttered environment, an organized clutter environment, or in an organized decluttered environment?

If you would like to view photos for this week’s challenge or would like to submit your own, click on the link below:


Love and Light!

Author: spiritofdragonflies

My purpose in life is always transforming and expanding. The focus is still to inspire others to reach their goals, dreams, higher selves, but now mainly to guide you back to a connection with nature, with living simply, finding joy in the everyday experiences. Are you ready to transform your life forever, to enhance your health, peace and joy in life? Allow me to guide you along the steps toward reaching your inspirational, joyful life. I am a lover of life, a certified Mindfulness Outdoor Experience Guide, Certified QSCA Life Coach, End-of-Life Doula certificate, Therapeutic Touch practitioner, amateur photographer, and aspiring writer taking steps to reach my own goals and loving every minute. Love and Light!

5 thoughts on “WPC – Order

  1. Love the orderliness of this post 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Order on the Bridge | What's (in) the picture?

  3. These are wonderful photos, which I can appreciate, even though ‘Clutter’ may be my middle name ….

    Liked by 1 person

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