Spirit of Dragonflies, LLC

Kripalu Mindfulness Outdoor Experience Guide & Life Coach – Get Outside. Go Within.

Living in a State of Gratitude


Today as you rise and start your day take a moment to look around and give thanks for all of your blessings. If you think, what blessings then you aren’t looking close enough.

Message of the day.

Did you open your eyes? Can you see? Did you have a bed to sleep in and were you warm during the night? Some people did not wake this morning, some did not have a bed to sleep in or warm place to rest. Do you have clothing to wear, warm water to bathe in, soap, breakfast, coffee? Those are things to be grateful for. Is there a supply of air to breath? Take two minutes to be grateful. Slowly breath in and out three times. Look around the room where you are sitting. Is there anything in that room which makes you feel gratitude? You might have to start slowly and that is fine.

Here are some examples:

  • I am grateful for the breath that I take.
  • I am grateful for the trees outside the window that provide shade and homes for the squirrels.
  • I am grateful for the light on the end stand that lights the way when it is dark.
  • I am grateful for the painting on the wall that lifts my spirits.
  • I am grateful for this cup of tea.

Think about everything you have in your life at this moment to be grateful for. Start small and then grow from there. Are you blessed with:

  • Health even if you have illness there are areas in your body that are working such as being able to walk, breath, use your hands/fingers
  • Friend(s) – you don’t have to have several because one close, trusting friend is a blessing
  • Family – even if they live far away can you be grateful for cell phones or FaceTime which allows you to remain in contact
  • Job or income source that allows you to eat and have a place to live, transportation . . . provides you interactions, creativity, new ideas
  • Dishes to eat from and possibly share meals with others
  • Books to read and learn, a library or book store to connect with others
  • Shoes to protect your feet from the elements
  • Blankets to keep you warm and a pillow to rest your head

We all have so small things to be grateful for everyday of our lives and it starts with waking in the morning, opening our eyes, and being able to breath. That is a gift!

Be the light and share that light with others. If you wake in the morning and have what is needed to survive the day you have been truly blessed. Is your heart beating, is your body digesting, can you see, or hear, or feel? Even if you need others to help you make it through the day, you can be thankful whether that be family, friends, community, government. If there is someone providing care and essentials then be extra grateful that you were blessed with this assistance and those who work to provide this for you whether it be rental assistance, food subsidy, heating or electricity assistance, subsidized health insurance. I remember when I received food stamps and heat assistance for a couple of month when I was laid off. For my children and I, it seemed we hit the lottery and we were grateful for the ability to purchase food and heat our home. One year my family was adopted at Christmas and the college students supplied presents for the children and a couple for me, plus food. It felt as if Santa was real that year. Now my sister and I purchase Christmas for a family every year and we feel grateful for the ability to share even though we will never see or know the families. If you are grateful for all of your blessings, one day you will find yourself on the giving side of what was given to you. Life is a beautiful thing!!

As you can see, we all have something to be grateful for everyday when we wake and each evening when we go to sleep. The more you focus on what you have and be grateful for whatever that is, the higher your energy will rise and the more you will attract to be grateful for.

Sending you love, light and abundance to carry your through your day and into your sleep.

Today I am grateful for my life and everything that I will be able to do during the day to guide people and for all those people who come into my life to guide me. This life is reciprocal and we get in return what we give. So give all that you can, even if it is a beautiful smile to a stranger passing by. That stranger will have something to be grateful for today as well.

What are you grateful for today? I would love to hear from you so we can be grateful for sharing with one another and sharing a high vibration.

Love and Light,

Author: spiritofdragonflies

My purpose in life is always transforming and expanding. The focus is still to inspire others to reach their goals, dreams, higher selves, but now mainly to guide you back to a connection with nature, with living simply, finding joy in the everyday experiences. Are you ready to transform your life forever, to enhance your health, peace and joy in life? Allow me to guide you along the steps toward reaching your inspirational, joyful life. I am a lover of life, a certified Mindfulness Outdoor Experience Guide, Certified QSCA Life Coach, End-of-Life Doula certificate, Therapeutic Touch practitioner, amateur photographer, and aspiring writer taking steps to reach my own goals and loving every minute. Love and Light!

12 thoughts on “Living in a State of Gratitude

  1. In gratitude is my favorite way to be! If I said all the things I am grateful for, this comment box would be overloaded! Life, Happiness, Beauty, Laughter, all my beautiful people and today, we are receiving long needed snow. We have about 7 inches now with more predicted. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. Wonderful!! Wish I could share some of our snow with you there is enough. Hoping to get out for some cross-country skiing this weekend. Hope you have a wonderful time in your winter wonderland. Enjoy!!!


  3. I think you pretty much summed it up. I’m grateful for my health and every little thing that gives me comfort.


  4. This is a wonderful post, Sandy! I am grateful to be alive on this earth, being surrounded by my family. And I am thankful to my parents for all the comfort they ensured in my life.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh, this post made me so utterly happy. Thank you for reminding me of the simple pleasures in life. I need to start a gratitude journal! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Everyday I get up, have a cup of coffee, watch my cartoons or anime, and stop for a little while before my online classes to read the bible. I thank God for a brand new day, and allowing me to wake in it, for my children who are the very essence of the air I breathe. I only have 2 but coming from a family of 9 I think I did good. Both my children are healthy and alive. I pray for my entire family and thank God for being the most awesome father in the universe,so proud to be counted as one of his children too. I realize I have a lot to be grateful for, more than I could ever talk about. So yes, I know that I’m a fortunate person in this world of ours. Yet thank you for reminding everyone else, because I think sometimes some of us do let our problems outshine what we should be grateful for in this life. Life is hard, and reality ……YEAH!!! Well that just SUCKS.! And yet realistically we do have a lot to be grateful for. You know I’m right.

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