Spirit of Dragonflies, LLC

Kripalu Mindfulness Outdoor Experience Guide & Life Coach – Get Outside. Go Within.


Experimental Photography

Let’s see how high we can fly before the sun melts the wax in our wings. ~ Edward O. Wilson ~

This theme is as wide open as the prairie sky. How will you portray “Experimental”? Will it be the fresh lemon-cranberry scones you whipped up, tired of the usual blueberry muffins? Will it be a close-up of the piano where you just composed an original in a key new to you? Will it be capturing a subject using varying compositions or photographic techniques? Regardless of how you choose to show us “Experimental,” I’m looking forward to seeing the results.

Sometimes I like to experiment with my camera settings while capturing moments in time. These two photos are from a night sitting by the fire in my back yard. It took a very steady hand and many shots to capture the flames as I wished. I wanted to capture the movement of the dancing flames.

I’ve had this idea playing in my mind of something fun and creative. Sometimes I play with the camera settings a to see if the ordinary can be captured in an extraordinary way and my camera surprises me with fun photos.

“There is no such thing as a failed experiment, only experiments with unexpected outcomes.” ~ Richard Buckminster Fuller ~

While at the beach it was fun experimenting to see what could be captured using different settings. If you have a camera, just have some fun with it. Be a little playful like a child playing on the beach. Some photos will be released and others saved. The whole point is to experiment and enjoy the experience.

“There is only you and your camera. The limitations in your photography are in yourself, for what we see is what we are.” ~ Ernst Haas ~

I hope you have enjoyed my experimental photos and I look forward to viewing yours.

Love and Light!

If you would like to view photos from this week’s challenge or would like to submit your own, click on the link below:



Everything is Temporary – Embrace It

For this week’s challenge, share a photo that says “temporary” to you. As always, you can take the theme in any direction you see fit — from the natural world to the human, and from the concrete to the abstract. I look forward to browsing your photos!

Opportunity often comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat. ~ Napoleon Hill ~

Imagine a world where nothing was temporary – scary right?? Life is just as it should be with everything temporary and evolving. This is why it is important to live mindfully and enjoy life’s every moment. Don’t focus on what you don’t have. Be happy with what you do have and strive to be a better person.

If we are content with life in the moment and slow down long enough to really communicate with family and friends, coworkers, and others in our lives think how rich your life will become. If we slow down while we eat and truly enjoy nutritious food and drink, think of how our bodies and minds will respond and gift us with good health. If we nurture our spirits with meditation, prayer, yoga, walks in nature, laughter . . . imagine how our unconscious will respond in a higher more compassionate vibration.

If you are ill, remember what it felt like to be healthy. If you are healthy, think about what that means and how it feels – cherish this time in life. If you are sad, remember what it was like to feel excited, happy, content. If you are loving life, enjoy and pay attention to how it feels in this moment. If you have lost your job, stop for a moment and give thanks to the job you had then feel what it will be like to have a new position.  If you lose your home, stop to remember what it felt like to enjoy your space then give thanks and be ready for your new home. When in your new home give thanks daily for your blessings. When one door closes another opens – if you are paying attention opportunity awaits you.

Just think about the temporary stages of a child’s life. It seems as if in the blink of an eye their childhood innocence is over and they go out on their own. I feel childhood is temporary so each stage should be honored and cherished by all. The same with adulthood – honor each stage of your life. It is a gift!

Whether temporary stages in a child’s life, stages of nature or manmade items (think telephones-cellphones, telephone cables – wi-fi, televisions, computers, automobiles over the last five decades compared to the last two years) everything is temporary.

Knowing this doesn’t mean we should become stagnated by fear – rejoice in transitions and remain open, each moment in time is temporary. Why let life’s journey frighten and stress you. Take a deep breath in – rejoice that you are alive, breath out – feel love and compassion for the world. The temporary stages of nature are quite breathtaking yet we don’t want to get stuck in any one for too long. The people living in locations where the weather remains pretty constant sometimes take it for granted until someone brings it to their attention or they visit another location. I remember when living in California I would mention how beautiful the flowers were along the walls surrounding communities. My coworker asked what flowers. She had lived in California her whole life and didn’t realize their were colorful flowers growing along every wall in the neighborhoods. The next time she took a ride away from the highway she noticed them as well and enjoyed riding with me to different locations. She was able to see through my eyes.

To visit my location you would want to visit at different times of the year to see all of the beautiful gifts of each seasons.

Today as I sit to write in my blog, it is cold outside and the windows are decorated in frost. Several black ravens are on the ground checking out the grass and flying up to sit in the trees. I sip on a cup of warm herbal tea listening to Enya on YouTube while a blend of Frankincense, Myrrh, On Guard, Breath, and Purify are diffused. It smells lovely.

Be The Light

Message of the day.

My home feels peaceful and calm. I have learned to pay attention to the energy of my surroundings, knowing that I can always shift this energy from rushed to peaceful with a meditation and a blend of essential oils in the diffuser. Some will say the oils are costly. I say, if they can help me maintain a sense of calm and peace it is well worth the pennies per drop. Stress is a killer and although life is temporary, I want to live everyday as if I have forever.

Once we embrace the fact that everything is temporary, it is best to remain active, learn and grow so when one door closes it doesn’t find you blocked. Keep a foot out the door with other interests, keep up to date on new discoveries, remain open to new ideas and opportunities, pay attention to your health – eat higher quality foods, drink plenty of clean water, exercise in nature, hug or sit under a tree, laugh and find joy wherever you are. Do something silly like jump in mud puddles, dress up for Halloween, wear that favorite outfit hiding in your closet, dance in the rain, run along the beach kicking the water into the air, sing loudly while riding in the car, call an old schoolmate, write a letter to an elderly relative, purchase a coloring book with crayons, create something fun, experiment, collect rocks.


Life is like play doh. Once you make something if left too long without being touched it becomes stiff and dries up. Better to take it apart and create something new so it stays fresh and flexible. It’s the same for our lives. If we sit too long we become stiff, if we don’t  keep in touch with our loved ones the relationship stagnates, if you don’t stretch your mind you will dry up and become obsolete.

Be ready for endings and new beginnings – embrace the temporary as an awakening of your spirit preparing you for a new journey.

Wishing you a life filled with possibilities, movement, laughter, joy, fun, adventure, creativity, health, financial well-being, and spiritual awakening through all your temporary life events.

Love and Light!

If you would like to view additional photos for this week’s challenge or would like to post your own, click on the link below:



WPC – Waiting

For this challenge, show us what waiting looks like to you. There are so many angles and interpretations — we look forward to seeing yours!

For this week’s challenge I decided on Mark Twain, sitting on the bench, book in hand, waiting in the Ellicott Square Building in Buffalo for someone to arrive.

Is it you he waits for?


“Don’t wait, the time will never be just right.” Mark Twain

Listen to Mark Twain. Don’t wait, start today. What have you been putting off? Where would you rather be? Isn’t it time to discover what hidden treasures lie within? If you are ready to discover what lies within and need a little guidance along your journey, leave me a message below.

If you would like to see photos for this week’s challenge or would like to submit your own, click on the link below:


Love and Light!

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Dragonfly — Grace/Change/Power

Dragonfly – grace/change/power

Dragonflies are characterized by their quick, sudden movements and a powerful wing strokes. The dragonfly uniquely changes direction on a whim. Symbolizing transition, the dragonfly has impeccable vision, which is a reminder to open one’s eyes to the beauty of life’s journey. Embrace the graceful energy of the dragonfly to live life to the fullest and to appreciate Mother Earth’s gifts. ~ http://www.alexandani.com ~

The Huntington Garden and Library - Pasadena, CA

The Huntington Garden and Library – Pasadena, CA

Like the dragonfly, you too can change direction in your own life if you find yourself on the wrong path. It is never too late to become the person you want to be. I have been a lover of dragonflies for twenty years due to their beauty, elegance, and ability to change direction on a whim. I love that they are able to move forward, backward, sideways or stay in one place for any given moment in time. Many times when I am walking, kayaking, sitting in my yard, or on the deck the dragonflies seem to find me. While kayaking several will follow along as I row sometimes stopping to sit on my paddle, kayak or shoulder. It is quite beautiful. They began to show up in fabric, presents, stores, book covers, on walks, and in my yard and have remained a part of me whether I am home or traveling. They come in a variety of sizes and colors. My day is always brighter when I see a dragonfly and I shall look forward to spring when they return.

Do you have a symbol that speaks to you? I would love to hear what it is that seems to appear in your life to guide you along your path.

Love and Light,
