Spirit of Dragonflies, LLC

Kripalu Mindfulness Outdoor Experience Guide & Life Coach – Get Outside. Go Within.


Creating Wind Chimes

Have you ever discovered something that you love creating and never knew?

A year ago my granddaughter and I took a class creating a wind chime. The next week I picked up beads, fishing line, and went out in the back to find a piece of wood. The creative bug took over.

Now I facilitate my own classes – wind chimes, diffuser bracelets, and essential oil roller balls. The bracelets and essential oil roller balls are fairly quick and easy to create. When creating essential oils the longest part of the process is finding blends that provide an uplifting vibration. I love learning of the blends, adding tiny dried flowers, frankincense, myrrh, and small gems. When creating bracelets generally I will lay out the beads, walk away for a while and then return and pull the bracelet together. Wind chimes take much more time and they are the best way to slow down, breathe, and create mindfully.

When creating the wind chimes I may spend time in nature searching for some small branches. Once found I bring them to the basement to dry. They may sit there for a week, month or several months. Sometimes others will find them and bring them to me. last year my son and his wife traveled to Nova Scotia and returned with some finds for me. There has been a box in the basement awaiting my creativity. Recently I pulled out a couple of the pieces and brought them upstairs for some inspiration.

I pulled out the white cloth and began bringing out beads. Last year I created one with a theme of pink and crystals, then one with red and crystals. One hangs in the dining room and the other in the bedroom. In the morning I love waking to the rainbows decorating the walls and ceiling. When I return home the dining room floor and ceiling is decorated in rainbows. I find it quite magical.

This week I have been staying up at night laying out beads and creating two more wind chimes. I find it very relaxing and this experience helps you develop patience.

How you may be wondering?

Well each bead is placed on the fishing line, the line must be tied and a seed bead placed on the knot. This prevents beads with larger holes to slip through. Sometimes when tying the knot it is too far apart and the knot has to be untied and redone. Sometimes you are finishing the last line and while tying it to the top you cut the wrong piece of line. Time to redo the hole line of beads. Although I haven’t stopped to measure for exactness, the last try was pretty close to being even. Who wants perfection  – not me. The imperfection is quite beautiful.

This is what makes it difficult sometimes when facilitating a class. Many participating in the class want perfection. As they begin preparing their design everything must match. Not the case for my granddaughter, she chose different beads, some not matching, and her wind chime came out perfect. We had fun while learning. There were times when we had to redo the whole thing over but each left that first workshop with a completed project.

When facilitating I let the participants begin by picking out their beads knowing they would be back up to the beads to chose others. They forget the seed beads and sometimes try to forego the tiny beads until they begin and the larger beads slip over the knot. Then it is time to choose seed beads. Then the process starts all over again. I love witnessing their experience. They rearrange several times, become frustrated at this new experience. Happens every time. The chatting slows down and quiet sets in as each begins to focus, touching the beads, tying knots, as their brain shifts into mindfulness. Frustration transitions to a sense of calm and peace. The energy in the room shifts and it seems as if all the strangers have become friends sharing a caring, creative energy. It is a wonderful feeling, uplifting everyone at the same time. All tension brought into the workshop at the beginning is released.

When creating at my dining table I sit quietly, no music or television, just the quiet of the house. Sometimes I’ll change out the beads until it feels right. I’ve already drilled the holes – two extra for the line to hold the wind chime. Maybe five rows of beads, maybe four, it depends on the piece of wood chosen. When working on this after work I may stay there until midnight – time passes and I’m not aware.

Do you have a craft that you love so much all senses of time disappears while you are enjoying the moment? How often to you take the time to enjoy this experience.

Even if you take ten minutes a day for yourself, add something that you love into your day. You deserve at least ten minutes a day to create something – singing, playing an instrument, drawing, writing, woodworking . . . Try turning off the television and enjoy your own life – not someone else’s life .

Light and Love


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Living A Creative Life

Don’t think. Thinking is the enemy of creativity. It’s self-conscious, and anything self-conscious is lousy. You can’t try to do things. You simply must do things.” – Ray Bradbury

Are you living your creative life?

Or, did you leave it behind when ‘life‘ got in the way.

I hear that quite often. “Oh I used to create jewelry when I was a teenager.” With this remark the person insinuates that creating is something for youth and not those with busy lives, families to care for, careers to focus on. My question is always “How much time do you spend in front of the television, on the computer, FaceBook, playing video games, or complaining about your situation?

What are we teaching our children? That life as an adult is stressful. That we leave behind our creativity as we get older. Creativity helps us maintain an open mind, to look at the world with creative eyes, to step out of our comfort zone. Don’t we want to raise children who are able to think for themselves, to think out of the box, to live a purposeful, interesting life.


Before I went to the bead store and picked up some beads and accessories I had no idea how to make a necklace, bracelet or wind chime. I took a class and watched a video then pulled out my items and started to create. The same with photography. I pulled out the camera and started enjoying taking photos of dew on leaves, then I was hooked.


Are you living a creative journey or just getting by thinking one day you will pursue your creative desires? I hear people say, “When I retire I’m going to get back into photography – paint – dance – learn how to play an instrument.” Why wait until retirement?

What if you decide that you will carve out an hour a week, or better yet, an hour a day of creativity time.

“Creativity is putting your imagination to work, and it’s produced the most extraordinary results in human culture.” ~ Ken Robinson ~


Over the last couple of years I have focused on adding more creativity into my life. Whether creating jewelry, experimenting with wire wrapping, creating wind chimes, drawing, using essential oils to create roller balls, using items found in nature with beads, creating book markers, hair clips, photography and writing. Did everything I made get shared with others? No.

The best thing was shifting from not knowing how, enjoying the learning experience and reaching out to learn. One step at a time, one day at a time, taking classes, watching YouTube videos and experimenting. The process was fun. We can’t expect to create a perfect product immediately. With time and practice we develop a new skill.


Last year I started attending craft fairs to share my creativity – photos in frames, diffuser bracelets, necklaces, essential oils roller balls and other fun items. Just setting up the tables for the craft fair is a wonderful creative experience. Meeting new creative people is always fun and sharing ideas makes the event fun. If you had told me several years ago I would be sharing my craft at the fair I would not have believed you. What can you begin to create today?

Once you start the process it carries on to other areas of your life. For example, as a teenager and young Mom I created birthday cakes for nieces, nephews and my own children. Now that I focus on creativity, I am trying my hand at birthday cakes once again. Below is one that I made for my grandson last year – Monster trucks – his favorite.


Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will.” – George Bernard Shaw

If you are interested in exploring your creative side and would like some guidance please leave a message below or send an email to spiritofdragonflies@gmail.com. Returning to our creative self allows us to live on purpose and remember what brings happiness, joy, and excitement into our lives. We become the guide and shine our light for others. I look forward to hearing from you.

Love and Light!


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Enjoying Snowy Winter Days

The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment, then where is it to be found? ~ J.B. Priestly ~


When there is a storm warning we prepare in advance. It is best to keep some extra food in your home, fuel in your tank, wood for the fireplace/wood stove if you have one, candles, warm throws, and warm clothing. Only drive on the snowy roads if you have to. In the morning you may have to travel to work. Make a plan. Maybe carpool or work from home if you are so fortunate to have that as an option. If you do have to travel to work either leave earlier or later. Let the traffic be staggered so everyone is not out there at the same time. If you are truly frightened to drive in clear weather, do everyone a favor and stay off the roads in bad weather. If you are an aggressive driver – PLEASE stay off the road. Be kind while traveling and allow others in when on a ramp, yield to those walking.

If you can stay at home – don’t complain about the snow. Just be grateful if you are safe at home, pray for those who are not as fortunate. Here are some things to make a snow day enjoyable:

  • Go outside and make a snowman


  • Take a walk or go sleigh riding and enjoy the falling snow
  • Listen to some peaceful music as you sit near a window to watch the snow flakes


  • Wrap up in a nice comfy blanket and read a good book
  • Watch a movie
  • Make a nice soup or casserole – take the time to enjoy cutting vegetables and the smell that fills your home
  • Bundle up and go out for a walk in the freshly fallen snow
  • Enjoy a cup of hot chocolate or a latte with a little whipped cream & red sugar with a scone and journal
  • Bake some sugar cookies
  • Bake a pumpkin or apple pie – enjoy the scent filling your home
  • Diffuse some uplifting essential oils – Wild Orange; a mix of Frankincense, Myrrh, and Purify; Grapefruit
  • Bake some bread – another lovely scent to fill your house
  • Color in a coloring book
  • Work on a puzzle
  • Crochet, knit, create jewelry
  • Pull out your paints and canvas create a winter scene

My little tree protector sits in his watchful position dusted with snow awaiting the Spring.


What do you do on a snowy day?

If you have to drive, please be cautious and take your time. Enjoy every moment no matter what the weather.

Love and Light!


Fun Creating Wind Chimes

Have you ever created your own wind chime? We have been having fun creating wind chimes with many different items to include essential oil diffuser beads, crystals, buttons, sea shells, bells, colorful beads, wind chime tubes, charms, and many other items. Here are some photos of the end product from a class.

When sauntering in the woods or walking along the river bank I love to find small sticks to share with the class. Each person is given the same opportunity to select their wood, charms and choice of fishing line, string, wire or whatever else will hold their charms and wind chime. It always amazes me how given the same material each wind chime is unique. No one seems to want the same charms, beads, or shells. The end product is personal.

My wind chimes hang on my front porch and I love to listen to the light tinkling. It is a very peaceful sound especially as I lay in bed preparing for sleep.

If you are in the Albany, NY area on October 21, 2018 please join us for a wind chime class at A Place Called Om – 2022 Western Ave, Albany, NY 12203-5014, United States. We will meet from 1 – 3 and plan to have a fun time learning how to create wind chimes. Everyone will take home their own creation for a small price of $20.

This is one of my favorite classes to facilitate. Each participants begins by selecting their material. Some will lay it out in front of them and organize the pieces. Others just start creating without thinking how their end product will look. Most will change their mind during the creative process. They may return to the material table several times as they listen to their creative voice guiding them through the process. What begins as a bit noisy becomes quieter as each individual goes within and creates using their heart and spiritual guidance. It is a beautiful thing to witness.

If you have created your own wind chime please share a photo. We would love to see and hear of your experience.

Love and Light!



Return To Spirit of Dragonflies

Sometimes we need to step back and reevaluate our direction. For a while after the closing down of the Photo Challenge site I was unable to access my WordPress website. Word Press staff are very helpful and it was determined that I would have to switch to Chrome in order to access my site.


After missing several weeks of posts, I didn’t return very often. During my absence, I even slowed down taking photos. Many of you are familiar with similar time periods – life changes, interest change and you are pulled in a different direction. I wandered off track for a bit while discovering new ideas, going on adventures, reevaluating priorities. It has been an interesting experience.

Some things in life change which we have no control – maybe areas of our life that we loved have to release – other interests come and go in a short time period and take us in a different direction from where we wanted to travel. It is at that point we should stop and take some time to prioritize, decide which activities are raising our vibrations and making us feel light, which are weighing us down, costing money, ill health, returning us to a past that wasn’t working. These are the growing times, recuperating times when we slow down, allow ourselves to say no to people or activities. This is where I have been for the last couple of months – discovering, learning, experimenting, growing, healing.

Today I return, revitalized and ready for the next chapter. As I woke at my son’s home this morning, I noticed some mushrooms near a tree outside his front window. After making a cup of coffee I headed out to the woods with camera in hand. He has paths through the woods in his back yard with some treasures hidden throughout nature. It is a very peaceful location and I am always grateful when asked to house and cat sit.

Once back in the front yard I checked out the mushrooms. First the one which can be seen from the window, then noticed there is a circle of varying size and color mushrooms around the cedar tree. There was a slight drizzle that didn’t stop me from getting low to the ground to check out these beauties.

“Nature alone is antique, and the oldest art a mushroom.”
~ Thomas Carlyle ~

Update: After posting I went to a second  hand bookstore nearby (it’s really a house filled with books) I shared with the bookstore owner about the circle of mushrooms and she said “Oh you found a fairy ring.” Having no idea what a fairy ring is and had to Google this. Sure enough this is a  fairy ring. There is a scientific and mythical description so I’ll go with the mythical as it is more fun. Glad I didn’t step into the center.

“If you see a fairy ring
In a field of grass,
Very lightly step around,
Tiptoe as you pass;
Last night fairies frolicked there,
And they’re sleeping somewhere near.”
William Shakespeare

When I arrived last night I noticed how the light was hitting the flower planters and loved the playing of light and dark. The night was filled with the sound of frogs and other insects singing in harmony with an occasional call from the coyotes.


This reminded me of my walk in Thatcher Park a week or so ago. As I was walking along the path from the light into the dark, unknown it reminded me that this is what life is like sometimes. We are walking along enjoying life and then either by choice or circumstance we move into a darkness – unaware of our new surroundings, environment, situation. Whether this be the result of a loss of employment, new job, new home, death, illness we find ourselves in unfamiliar territory.

“It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.” ~Aristotle ~

Just knowing the light is always present, waiting with open arms allows us to move through the dark moments. Last November, my otherwise healthy heart, began waking me in the night as it danced and beat like it was trying to find its way out of my chest. After a few weeks, and a week’s vacation, I finally I decided it was time see someone. To my surprise, I was experiencing atrial fibrillation. For someone otherwise very healthy this was a shock and a wake up call to take action.

Since that time I began visiting an acupuncturist, using my essential oils, eating more fruits and vegetables, meditating, saying no, having monthly massages, walking regularly and spending even more time in nature. Yes, I visit my cardiologist and take my meds as prescribed with the goal to one day no longer need them. Also, I have been delving into my creative side in new areas. Wire wrapping, using nature with beads, drawing, and experiencing nature in new ways and even taking classes – The Language of Nature, Listening to Trees, Meditative Walks, Forest Bathing.

After taking a local wire wrapping class I went home and wrapped some stones. My granddaughter and I had a fun time at a wind chime class. We enjoyed it so much that I made two more and then facilitated a diffuser wind chime class. Adding the essential oils was a nice touch to the project. This week, I’ll be facilitating a wind chime class at the local library.

My check up with the cardiologist went well this week. He said keep doing whatever I am doing and he will see me in six months. I believe once you can get your mind off the darkness lingering over your light, you begin to see the beauty in the everyday no matter what is happening around you. Become proactive, take charge of your life and how you want to feel about it. Whether that be meditating, breathing, creating, singing, dancing, laughing, walking, sitting in nature, hugging a tree, eating healthy, volunteering – all are good for the soul and carry you through life in lightness.

If you feel stuck and would like some guidance, please comment or email me at spiritofdragonflies@gmail.com. Let’s prepare for 2019 now and make it a year of creating a new life adventure for you. Learn to flow through the darkness – find your still point no matter what challenges you face.

Love and Light!


I’d rather be . . . – WPC

Although I am quite content to be doing exactly what I am doing in the moment, whether that be washing dishes, vacuuming, dusting, mowing the lawn, shoveling snow . . . Each daily task brings a sense of being in the moment, enjoying life. This week we are asked to share what we would rather be doing, which is a bit hard when I sit here doing exactly what pleases me, so I will think about a nice sunny day and what I would rather do given the choice on such a day.

I’d rather be . . . sitting on my front porch with a glass of iced mint tea reading a book or, if the grandchildren were here, playing with the toys on the other end of the porch. There is nothing better than sun, sheer curtains dancing in the breeze on a nice warm, sunny day.

DSC_0449 (1)

If I were not home, I’d rather be . . .

Exploring woods and nature with my children and grandchildren . . . Hugging trees . . . meditating at the ocean, lake or stream while listening to the water . . . walking barefoot . . . Earthing . . . anything outside in nature . . .

I’d rather be . . . creating – taking photos, making jewelry, preparing blends of essential oil roller bottles, facilitating Vision Board classes . . .

I’d rather be . . . Sledding with my family at the golf course . . .

I’d rather be . . . Always with camera, book, and notebook maybe enjoying a latte and treat . . .

I’d rather be . . . Anywhere on the water enjoying my kayak, nature, birds singing, quiet of the evening . . .


Enjoying simple pleasures – feeling very blessed. LIFE IS GOOD!

Now, it’s your turn. What would you rather be doing? If you’ve got more than one hobby, don’t be shy — you’re welcome to share the myriad ways in which you’d prefer to be spending time.

If you would like to view other photos submitted for this week’s photo challenge or would like to submit your own, click on the link below: https://dailypost.wordpress.com/photo-challenges/rather/

Love and Light!


Conversing with Trees – WPC – Story

Though a single image can tell a complete story, adding photos to a series can even further expand upon a narrative.

For this week’s challenge, do some visual storytelling with your photography.

Conversing With Trees


I love that my daughter’s neighbor left the trunk of the tree standing and added a face. My little grandson loves conversing with this tree. When done he wanders off as if in deep thought. At the time of the photo he was unable to share his thoughts with us but as you will see in the photos below after his conversation he walked off slowing contemplating what they had discussed. At least that is what it looked like. He is like his Mimi, barefoot in the grass whenever possible.

“If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in.” ~ Rachel Carson ~

“Children … are shut away in too many instances from a free contact with nature; their needs are so provided for and dangers guarded against, that they grow up with undeveloped capacities and in almost total ignorance of the world of nature.” ~ Harold Fairbanks ~

In his 2005 book, Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder, journalist and child advocate Richard Louv introduced the term “nature-deficit disorder” to characterize the long-recognized suite of problems that could be attributed to childhood isolation from nature. (https://www.wisconsinacademy.org/magazine/rachel-carson-and-childhood-sense-wonder) This book is on my must read list.

Do you have photos that represent a story of children in nature? Do you enjoy exploring nature with children? Feel free to share some photos.

Do you have photos that represent a story of children in nature? Please share if you do.

Love and Light!

If you would like to view additional photos for this week’s challenge or would like to submit your own, click on the link below:




Story – WPC

For this week’s challenge, do some visual storytelling with your photography. As always, I’m excited to see what you all share.

The Corn Maze

My grandson was enjoying exploring the corn maze in Manchester, VT. That is, he was enjoying until he noticed the scary characters along the path. Once away from them he felt secure enough to venture along on his own again but he continued with wary eye on the path before him.

Once we found our way out he was treated to a cider donut and dish of pumpkin ice cream. Then life was fine again.

If you are interested in viewing other photos or would like to submit your own, click on the link below:

Love and Light


A Face In The Crowd

Create an image that represents being “a face in the crowd.” Explore silhouettes, shadows, orientation, and other ways to mask your subject. As you hide the defining characteristics of your model, notice which traits continue to stand out. Without facial expression, can you tell how someone is feeling? Without color, does your impression of that person change? If portraits aren’t your thing, get even more creative with your use of shadows, reflections, animals, and patterns to represent a sense of anonymity.

Explore the use of anonymity to express both that which is common to all of us and the uniqueness that stands out even when the most obvious parts of us are hidden. Just as all of us can oscillate between conformity and individualism, allow your photo to do the same.

The time when most of you should withdraw into yourself is when you are forced to be in a crowd. ~ Epicurus ~

This week I decided to share black and white photos to see if they captured the feeling from the moment the photo was taken. My main subject matter being my grandson, daughter, and son-in-law plus one random window scene of an unsuspecting subject sitting in a crowded restaurant.

Even in the midst of a crowd, many people still seem to be alone whether in their own thoughts, due to avoidance by those around them, or their deeply involved with one or two people they are interacting with and don’t seem to notice the crowd.

While sitting in a crowded restaurant I noticed two women deep in conversation unaware of those sitting at the table next to them or the presence of the waitress. When I walked outside I noticed one of the women in the window and snapped a photo.

As you wander around you will notice a face or two in the crowd who seems to be alone in thought oblivious to those around them. They may walk into the gate, the trash can, or another person. That other person may even be you.

I love observing a parent walking with their child, especially when they are caught up in the moment enjoying the moment. Those are very precious times to observe. Even more precious when it is yourself witnessing the bond between your own child and grandchild.

Do you enjoy being in crowded spaces? Do you notice who is around you? Do you feel joyful witnessing others having fun? Or, do you avoid crowds?

I prefer to be in the woods or at least in nature where the crowd I encounter is a variety of trees. My second favorite place – a book store, preferably a second-hand book store where the shelves are crowded with books.

I love people but crowds can be exhausting. Everyone moving at a different pace, high energy, low energy, negative and positive rolling like the waves of the ocean pulling and pushing. With tinnitus, crowds can be overwhelming and the noise can remain banging around in my head for hours after I return home to a quiet house. Outdoors is easier than inside because the noise has more freedom to be absorbed by trees or dissolve into the air. Inside, the noise bounces from wall to wall, ceiling to floor like a volley ball or tennis match in a never-ending cycle. When outside, I love to sit and observe people especially when they are laughing and enjoying their time together. It raises my vibration seeing others in such spirits.

Don’t worry, if I see you chances are you will not be in one of my photos. I prefer nature photos to people because people want to look at their photo and have you delete them until they approve. The only time you would be in my photo is if you happened to be standing near one of my children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews, or friends children. I love candids of children playing and enjoying life or adults caught in a moment of joy and play. If I see you dancing or playing in a park, well then you may be in one of my photos.

Love and Light!
If you would like to view more photos from this week’s challenge or would like to submit your own, click on the link below:


Sweets for the little Sweethearts

What does sweet look like to you? We look forward to your photo submissions this week!


It doesn’t seem possible it was almost two years ago that I spent the week before Easter with my daughter and her family in San Diego, CA. We had such a lovely time. One of the special events was meeting up with her friends and their children to see the Easter Bunny. Addy and Tanner were enjoying the window display in the confectionery shop.  Little Addy pulled up her pocketbook to see if there was any money hidden within. Love her expressions. When both Mom’s said I could treat the little ones we went in and picked out the cupcake both agreed upon. They brought their sweet out to the table, cut it in half and enjoyed every bite. If I could eat gluten I would have been enjoying this with them. Look at those sweet little faces enjoying their sweet treat!

Or, you could select a little healthier sweet treat to enjoy.


I can’t take any credit for this photo – borrowing it from my daughter because it is one of my favorites. This little guy truly lives mindfully – in the moment. Look at the joy on Colt’s little face as he bites into this sweet strawberry, savoring the moment.

That was then – This is now:


I made a Mickey Mouse cake for Colt’s 2nd Birthday. He loves wearing masks and decided to wear his new Batman mask and cape for his Birthday Party. Something about wearing a mask and cape seems to make you feel invincible or at least invisible – not really sure which but it was fun watching him sneak a little taste of the frosting. When he noticed I was watching he said, “Mmmmm, Mimi this is delicious.” Then he stuck his finger in the frosting and tried another little taste. What a sweetie enjoying his sweet Mickey cake.

Do you still have the innocence of a child within? Do you find yourself staring in a glass case at a confectionery shop eyeing the sweets? Or, do you still sneak a little frosting from an uncut cake? Go ahead – I give you permission:)

Love and Light!

If you would like to view other photos for this week’s challenge or submit your own, please click on the link below:
