Spirit of Dragonflies, LLC

Kripalu Mindfulness Outdoor Experience Guide & Life Coach – Get Outside. Go Within.


What Will You Focus on Today?


Will you start today with a new mindset and change your life? Yesterday is gone, you can’t change what you said, did, thought . . . Don’t waste the day in yesterday, move forward from this day. Some actions you can take:

  • Write in your gratitude journal everything you are grateful for in this moment. Some things to be grateful for:
    • Family – love, connections, compassion
    • A good friend – or many
    • A job that provides necessities and security
    • A warm bed – pillows, warm blanket
    • Sitting in the Sunshine – feeling the warmth dancing along your face
    • Walking in the Rain, listening to the rain drops dapping on the roof
    • Healthy food choices – vegetables and fruits – enjoying the colors, textures, patterns, taste, feel
    • Water – potable drinking water, streams, swamps, rivers, lakes, oceans
    • A roof over your head – a place to cool or warm your body
    • Breathe – pay attention to the slow in and out breath
    • Nature – the gifts of food, all the variety of trees and the gifts they provide, vegetation, dirt, rocks, color, scents, textures, various size of each gift of nature
    • The way shadows and light play on the floor and walls around you
    • Children sharing flowers
    • Dew decorating leaves and flowers
    • Those creative moments when you bring items to life in a new way
    • The delightful sounds of birds singing, tinkle of wind chimes, rustling of leaves
    • And so much more

Here are a few things that bring me joy throughout the day, week, month, year.

Nature is ever changing just as our lives and what a beautiful way to embrace life by just enjoying the simple pleasures. Over the past year I have been incorporating nature into crafts whether using a sticks and seashells along with beads to create wind chimes, taking nature photos, using found sea glass and small stones to create jewelry, essential oils to create emotion roller balls, it has brought me closer to where I want to be in life. Living in a state of simple pleasure, being grateful for all experiences – those we label as good or bad, happy or sad . . . Each brings with it a learning lesson.

During times when we find ourselves out of vibration with where we were intending to be are the best times to focus on gratitude. Gratitude for the life lesson which confirms we are not moving in the direction of choice. Life happens – illnesses arise in ourselves or others, death occurs, jobs and relationships may end – however it is during those times that we can be thankful for the experiences, for the pleasure of knowing those who are no longer with us and the lessons learned from having them in our lives. Once we overcome the low vibration we can set out vision on the higher vibration by giving gratitude for simple pleasures and remain focused on those. Before you know it, new adventures present themselves, new people come into our lives, new life events to be grateful for and we are back on the path leading to where we rather be. Remember, not everyday may be filled with high vibration – someone may cut you off, you may spill coffee on your work clothing, you may be exhausted from a night of crying baby – however, it is your reaction to those events that will influence your day and what you remember of the day. Where you place your focus will determine the overall outcome so why not focus on all the blessings of the day and let the other flow off you like eggs on a Teflon pan.

So the question is, what will you focus on today? If you would like to share please leave a comment or complete the contact form below.

Love and Light!


I’d rather be . . . – WPC

Although I am quite content to be doing exactly what I am doing in the moment, whether that be washing dishes, vacuuming, dusting, mowing the lawn, shoveling snow . . . Each daily task brings a sense of being in the moment, enjoying life. This week we are asked to share what we would rather be doing, which is a bit hard when I sit here doing exactly what pleases me, so I will think about a nice sunny day and what I would rather do given the choice on such a day.

I’d rather be . . . sitting on my front porch with a glass of iced mint tea reading a book or, if the grandchildren were here, playing with the toys on the other end of the porch. There is nothing better than sun, sheer curtains dancing in the breeze on a nice warm, sunny day.

DSC_0449 (1)

If I were not home, I’d rather be . . .

Exploring woods and nature with my children and grandchildren . . . Hugging trees . . . meditating at the ocean, lake or stream while listening to the water . . . walking barefoot . . . Earthing . . . anything outside in nature . . .

I’d rather be . . . creating – taking photos, making jewelry, preparing blends of essential oil roller bottles, facilitating Vision Board classes . . .

I’d rather be . . . Sledding with my family at the golf course . . .

I’d rather be . . . Always with camera, book, and notebook maybe enjoying a latte and treat . . .

I’d rather be . . . Anywhere on the water enjoying my kayak, nature, birds singing, quiet of the evening . . .


Enjoying simple pleasures – feeling very blessed. LIFE IS GOOD!

Now, it’s your turn. What would you rather be doing? If you’ve got more than one hobby, don’t be shy — you’re welcome to share the myriad ways in which you’d prefer to be spending time.

If you would like to view other photos submitted for this week’s photo challenge or would like to submit your own, click on the link below: https://dailypost.wordpress.com/photo-challenges/rather/

Love and Light!


Sweets for the little Sweethearts

What does sweet look like to you? We look forward to your photo submissions this week!


It doesn’t seem possible it was almost two years ago that I spent the week before Easter with my daughter and her family in San Diego, CA. We had such a lovely time. One of the special events was meeting up with her friends and their children to see the Easter Bunny. Addy and Tanner were enjoying the window display in the confectionery shop.  Little Addy pulled up her pocketbook to see if there was any money hidden within. Love her expressions. When both Mom’s said I could treat the little ones we went in and picked out the cupcake both agreed upon. They brought their sweet out to the table, cut it in half and enjoyed every bite. If I could eat gluten I would have been enjoying this with them. Look at those sweet little faces enjoying their sweet treat!

Or, you could select a little healthier sweet treat to enjoy.


I can’t take any credit for this photo – borrowing it from my daughter because it is one of my favorites. This little guy truly lives mindfully – in the moment. Look at the joy on Colt’s little face as he bites into this sweet strawberry, savoring the moment.

That was then – This is now:


I made a Mickey Mouse cake for Colt’s 2nd Birthday. He loves wearing masks and decided to wear his new Batman mask and cape for his Birthday Party. Something about wearing a mask and cape seems to make you feel invincible or at least invisible – not really sure which but it was fun watching him sneak a little taste of the frosting. When he noticed I was watching he said, “Mmmmm, Mimi this is delicious.” Then he stuck his finger in the frosting and tried another little taste. What a sweetie enjoying his sweet Mickey cake.

Do you still have the innocence of a child within? Do you find yourself staring in a glass case at a confectionery shop eyeing the sweets? Or, do you still sneak a little frosting from an uncut cake? Go ahead – I give you permission:)

Love and Light!

If you would like to view other photos for this week’s challenge or submit your own, please click on the link below:



WPC – In-Focus and Out-of-Focus

This week, show us your favorite in-focus and out-of-focus moments.

“When things feel like they’re not working out, focus on what’s working right.” ~ Karen Salmansohn ~

“Life is like a camera, just focus on what’s important and capture the good times, develop from the negatives and if things don’t work out, just take another shot.” ~ Ziad K. Abdelnour ~

“When you focus on problems, you get more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you have more opportunities.” ~ Zig Ziglar ~

If your life seems out of focus, change what you are focusing on and begin again. Today, focus on possibilities and enjoy all the opportunities that present themselves over the next week, six months, year.

If you would like to view other photos or enter this week’s photo challenge, click on the link below:


Love and Light!


WPC: Jubilant

This week’s photo challenge is jubilant.

Jubilant, adjective: showing great joy, satisfaction, or triumph; rejoicing; feeling or expressing great happiness and triumph.

The first thing I thought of were the photos of my grandson’s first time sliding down a large slide at the carnival. He wasn’t quite two yet and decided not to wait for his Mom. His little face is pure joy – happiness – triumph.

This was a day filled with love, laughter, and fun. I felt very blessed to have my daughter and grandson visiting from San Diego. The warm sunny day and time with friends and family was enjoyed by all. Watching this little guy experience an adventure on his own for the first time was priceless. It is the little things in life that bless us the most.

If you would like to view other photos or would like to enter your own please click on the link below:


Love and Light!


WPC – Seasons

This week – Share an image evocative of the weather or represent the current “season of your life” in metaphor.

Whether seasons of the year or seasons of our life, each brings its own beauty, gratitude and sadness. Reviewing photos of the different seasons reminded me that my own life adjusting through the seasons from the young girl to the young Mom, almost overnight. That is how it sometimes feels with the changing weather patterns. Last week it was below zero, this week we are in the 50s. Some of the seasons of life are a little more difficult than others, just like the weather from one year to the next. Last year we had a long, hard, cold winter. This year we only had a few cold days in January and early February.

Our attitudes can change from one season to the next due to the amount of sunshine we receive, time spent in nature vs inside, layers of clothing needed to remain warm or cool, whether we are facing the arrival of a new baby or the death of a loved one. New babies are like spring bringing warmth, sunshine and new life. While autumn and winter can remind us of death, darkness and cold. All are a part of life and it is our thoughts and attitudes toward the seasons that determine whether we remain happy and optimistic throughout all kinds of weather and seasons in life.

We can let the seasons affect our lives or we can learn to live mindfully knowing that all seasons have a purpose and place. Each brings a beauty, even in death, that we can learn to be grateful for. You may ask how can we be grateful for death – it doesn’t mean that you are happy to have a loved one die – it does mean that you can be grateful to have been blessed with their life for as long as you were whether that be a moment, day, or lifetime.

That’s impossible, people have said to me. Then I share, when I miscarried my baby at ten weeks it was heartbreaking but I had two other children to care for and knew I could not get lost in my own grief.  I decided to focus on my two sisters, who were pregnant at the time, and rejoiced in their pregnancies and birth of their sons. Difficult yes but I found an inner strength and connection to God that I had never known. It was a year of sadness and happiness with my miscarriage in January, one nephew born in July and the other early December, ending the year with my Dad’s death two days before Christmas. I was 26 years old at the time. So, when I say to be grateful it is from my own life experience – gratitude in being able to rejoice in my pregnancy for a few weeks, in the birth of my nephews who I watched being delivered, then for having time spent with my father – all the time, love, and sharing of knowledge and skills we shared together. That was the year I learned to be grateful for all seasons of life learning that life, like seasons, can change quickly. We all have a choice – we can be grateful or hardened by the seasons of life. I chose grateful and it has made all the difference.

I hope you enjoyed my photos. If you are interested in seeing other posts for this week’s challenge or would like to submit your own, click on the link below:


Love and Light!


WPC – Gatherings

This week’s challenge is gatherings and I have chosen a family gathering. During the holiday season my family gathers together for games and laughter. Every year there is a new game introduced and we return to some favorites. Last year, this is what we looked like.

To participate in this week’s photo challenge click here.

Do you gather with family and friends to play games? If so, which are your favorites? We love Apples to Apples, several card games, Life with the younger children and Memory with the little ones. This is always a special time of year in more ways than one. Some of our family members do not always get home for the holidays so when they do we spend a lot of time together having fun. Wish this could happen several times a year instead of just at Thanksgiving and Christmas. For those who do not celebrate Christmas do you have any special games or activities you share in for your holidays?

Sending Peaceful Love and Light To All!

<a href=”https://dailypost.wordpress.com/photo-challenges/gathering/”>Gathering</a&gt;


Hunter’s Moon – Oct 27th

Don’t forget to check out the moon tonight. It was bright last night and tonight it is amazing.

Maybe sit with your journal and think about manifesting your dreams under the moonlight.


Don’t miss! Hunter’s Moon 2023 and Jupiter tonight

I just returned from taking photos in a nearby park. At first it was difficult to find a clear shot so I tried capturing the moon hiding behind the tree. Then I moved on and found a perfect shot over the highway. The park security guard drove up to see what I was doing. Apparently not too many people go to the park for photo shoots on moonlit evenings. I explained the I was photographing the Hunter’s Moon. I had to repeat myself a couple of times. Finally he looked to his right and said, “Oh, fine.” Then he drove off and I continued my experience. Here are a few of the shots taken.

I would love to see pictures if you take them.

Love and Light!


In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “(Extra)ordinary.”

Mundane and meaningful objects. Beautiful everyday things. This week, surprise us with something or someone (extra)ordinary which was perfect because this is the way I live my life.

Living mindfully has allowed me to witness the world differently than many others. Many ordinary things become (extra)ordinary, especially now that I stop to explore with my camera. As with other weeks, I could not stop at one photo.

Broken Rosette on fence

Broken Rosette on fence

When I noticed this rosette looking object on the fence I thought it was (extra)ordinary and have several photos from various angles. The center reminded me of a pearl and the grey with pinkish-orange brought this piece to life. What do you think? Do you see what I saw?

When cat sitting for my son, I walked into his back yard and felt like I had entered another world. The beauty in the ordinary was (extra)ordinary. I knew it the moment I witnessed the clover. It was an amazing morning and I got down on the ground so I could be up and close to the clover. The spiders had worked hard on the webs and the rain decorated their work. Then while walking in the woods I noticed this tree and was amazed by what resembled a tunnel and wondered who enjoyed traveling back and forth. Possibly a squirrel or chipmunk, maybe a rabbit. Hope you can see the (extra)ordinary as I saw while taking these photos.

Love and Light!


Autumn in the Adirondacks


While traveling for work today I had the privilege of natural beauty all around me. It was breathtaking. Almost made me want to forget about my meeting and continue traveling.


Luckily I was out of the office before dark and took my time traveling home. Tip for the day, always have your camera on hand and ready to go. It is important to be able to drive and soak up the beauty of nature, to stop once in a while to stretch and capture the sights. When traveling remember to get out every hour or so and stretch, walk around a bit, drink plenty of water, and carry healthy snacks such as fruit and some nuts. Don’t forget to chat with the local store owners and have a cup of coffee or tea at a locally owned cafe. You would be surprised what you can learn by striking up a conversation.

So grateful to live in this beautiful state, to be able to own a car, have a great position where I travel and meet with interesting people, and check out interesting little local shops. Feeling very blessed.

Love and Light!